Emo Night Presents From Under the Cork Tree Edition Evol 6

Emo Night Presents From Under the Cork Tree Edition Evol 6
Cape Town
Saturday, May 6
8:00 PM
Have you ever been a notch in someone’s bedpost? Or a line in a song? Then we’ve got the event for you. In honour of Fall Out Boy releasing their new album So Much (For) Stardust, we’ve organised an event celebrating a band that defined the emo sub-culture. So hold us like a grudge and get your most nostalgic mid-2000s emo outfit ready for this one. We’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves which we’ll reveal in due time, but let’s say there’s a special two-hour set exclusively consisting of Fall Out Boy’s best hits and deepest cuts. We're the therapists pumping through your speakers, delivering just what you need, but before we can do that - here’s some important details: Tickets are R100 presale, or at the door (if available) A limited number of R50 discount tickets will be provided for queer and/or POC people Emo Night South Africa is a queer and POC safe space. No tolerance for ableism, ageism, homophobia, racism, sexism, and transphobia (among many others). Bring champagne for your real friends, real pain for your sham friends (but don’t do any of that).
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